Name: Jason Cameron
Date: 2024-07-14
Purpose of program: To create a gradebook analyzer that allows users to input student names and grades, and then displays various statistics and information about the students and their grades.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class GradebookAnalyzer {
private static Student [] students = new Student [ 10 ];
static final float CANADIAN_AVERAGE = 77.0F ;
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner (System.in);
addStudents ();
System.out. println ( "Welcome to the Gradebook Analyzer" );
System.out. println ( "Would you like to add any more than the default students? (Y/N)" );
String addMoreStudents = scanner. nextLine (). strip ();
if (addMoreStudents. equalsIgnoreCase ( "Y" )) {
System.out. println ( "How many students would you like to add?" );
int numStudents = scanner. nextInt ();
if (numStudents > 5 ) {
System.out. println ( "You can only add up to 5 students in addition to the default students. Exiting..." );
System. exit ( 0 );
scanner. nextLine (); // consume the newline character
for ( int i = 5 ; i < numStudents + 5 ; i ++ ) {
System.out. println ( "Enter the student's name:" );
String name = scanner. nextLine (). strip ();
System.out. println ( "Enter the student's grades separated by commas:" );
String [] gradesStr = scanner. nextLine (). split ( "," ); // split the input by commas
int [] grades = new int [gradesStr.length]; // create an array to store the grades
for ( int j = 0 ; j < gradesStr.length; j ++ ) { // convert the string grades to integers
grades[j] = Integer. parseInt (gradesStr[j]. strip ()); // remove any leading/trailing whitespace
students[i] = new Student (name, grades); // create a new student object and add it to the array
// adds (Above CN Average) to the end of the student's name if they are above the CANADIAN_AVERAGE constant
System.out. println ( "Would you like to display if the student is above the Canadian average? (Y/N)" );
String response = scanner. nextLine (). strip (); // remove any leading/trailing whitespace
boolean showAboveCanadianAverage = response. equalsIgnoreCase ( "Y" );
// shows the student's grades ALONG with their average grade
System.out. println ( "Would you like to show all of the students' grades? (Y/N)" );
response = scanner. nextLine (). strip ();
boolean showAllGrades = response. equalsIgnoreCase ( "Y" );
// shows the student's average grade
System.out. println ( "Would you like to show the average grade of each student? (Y/N)" );
response = scanner. nextLine (). strip ();
boolean showAverageGrade = response. equalsIgnoreCase ( "Y" );
// shows the average grade of the entire class
System.out. println ( "Would you like to show the class average? (Y/N)" );
response = scanner. nextLine (). strip ();
boolean showClassAverage = response. equalsIgnoreCase ( "Y" );
// Display the students and their grades based on user input
System.out. println ( "Here are the students and their grades:" );
for (Student student : students) {
if (student == null ) { // Allow for empty slots in the array
break ;
String output = student.name + " - " ;
if (showAllGrades) { // Display all grades if the user wants
output += "Grades: " ;
for ( int grade : student.grades) {
output += grade + "," ; // add each grade followed by a comma
output = output. substring ( 0 , output. length () - 1 ); // remove the last comma
if (showAverageGrade) { // Display the average grade if the user wants
output += " - Average Grade: " + round (student. getAverageGrade ()) + "%" ;
if (showAboveCanadianAverage && student. getAverageGrade () > CANADIAN_AVERAGE) { // Display if the student is above the Canadian average
output += " (Above CN Average)" ;
System.out. println (output) ;
if (showClassAverage) {
double classAverage = calculateClassAverage (); // Calculate the class average
System.out. println ( "Class Average: " + round (classAverage) + "%" );
scanner. close ();
// Helper function to round a double to 2 decimal places
private static float round ( double num ) {
return ( float ) (Math. round (num * 100.0 ) / 100.0 );
// Helper function to calculate the class average
private static double calculateClassAverage () {
double sum = 0 ;
short student_length = 0 ;
for (Student student : students) {
if (student == null ) { // Allow for empty slots in the array
break ;
student_length ++ ;
sum += student. getAverageGrade ();
return sum / student_length;
// Helper function to add default students
private static void addStudents () {
students[ 0 ] = new Student ( "Alice" , new int []{ 85 , 90 , 88 , 92 , 87 });
students[ 1 ] = new Student ( "Bob" , new int []{ 78 , 85 , 80 , 82 , 79 });
students[ 2 ] = new Student ( "Charlie" , new int []{ 92 , 95 , 90 , 88 , 94 });
students[ 3 ] = new Student ( "David" , new int []{ 70 , 65 , 68 , 72 , 75 });
students[ 4 ] = new Student ( "Eve" , new int []{ 95 , 98 , 96 , 92 , 97 });
class Student {
public String name;
public int [] grades;
// Constructor to initialize the student's name and grades
public Student (String name , int [] grades ) {
this .name = name;
this .grades = grades;
// Method to calculate the average grade of the student
public double getAverageGrade () {
int sum = 0 ;
for ( int grade : grades) {
sum += grade;
return ( double ) sum / grades.length;
graph TD
A[Start] --> B[Welcome Message]
B --> C{Add more students?}
C --> |Yes| D[Get number of students to add]
D --> E[Get student details] --> G
E --> E1[Get student name]
E1 --> E2[Get student grades]
E2 --> E3[Parse grades into array]
E3 --> F[Create Student object]
F --> E
C --> |No| G[Get display preferences]
G --> H[Display students and grades]
H --> I{Show class average?}
I --> |Yes| J[Calculate and display class average]
I --> |No| K[End]
J --> K
Sample output
Welcome to the Gradebook Analyzer
Would you like to add any more than the default students? (Y/N)
How many students would you like to add?
Enter the student's name:
Enter the student's grades separated by commas:
Enter the student's name:
Enter the student's grades separated by commas:
Enter the student's name:
Enter the student's grades separated by commas:
Enter the student's name:
Enter the student's grades separated by commas:
Would you like to display if the student is above the Canadian average? (Y/N)
Would you like to show all of the students' grades? (Y/N)
Would you like to show the average grade of each student? (Y/N)
Would you like to show the class average? (Y/N)
Here are the students and their grades:
Alice - Grades: 85,90,88,92,87 - Average Grade: 88.4% (Above CN Average)
Bob - Grades: 78,85,80,82,79 - Average Grade: 80.8% (Above CN Average)
Charlie - Grades: 92,95,90,88,94 - Average Grade: 91.8% (Above CN Average)
David - Grades: 70,65,68,72,75 - Average Grade: 70.0%
Eve - Grades: 95,98,96,92,97 - Average Grade: 95.6% (Above CN Average)
Jason - Grades: 4,5,6,7 - Average Grade: 5.5%
Jason - Grades: 3,3,3 - Average Grade: 3.0%
jas - Grades: 4,6,340,5 - Average Grade: 88.75% (Above CN Average)
Peter - Grades: 43,56,99,99 - Average Grade: 74.25%